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Amazzonia Grigio

Amazzonia Grigio

Product Information
Product Name: Amazzonia Grigio 8x48" / Matte
Made In: Italy Italy Flag
Exact Dimensions: 200x1200x9mm
Box Packaging: 16.02 SQFT (6 Pieces)
Material: Glazed Porcelain
Surface: Matte (R9) Pressed
Suitability: Interior Floors/Walls
Item Code: N/A

Amazzonia Grigio is a premium wood-effect porcelain tile designed and manufactured in Italy. Its detail and quality allows it to imitate that of real wood.

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We recommend an additional 10% for cutting and waste. If you have already accounted for this, please select 'No Overage'.
Total Sqft Needed: Total SQFT rounded up to the nearest full piece.
Total Boxes and Pieces:

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